Solid State System SSS 6686, SSS6688, SSS6690, SSS6691

Utility to recover the flash on the controller Solid State System SSS 6686, SSS6688, SSS6690, SSS6691 and Toshiba TC58NC6688. 
Password for configuration changes: 5526568 
In comments write, who helped the utility (flash model, the type of controller).

  1. Good day, Kingston DT101 4gb - did not want to be formatted. After using this tool instead of 4 GB 2 GB left (in the log have been some mention of the bad sectors). Tell me, is this normal?
  2. Thanks, helped restore the 8 gigs of flash drive.
    Changes the VID and PID, but it also can be used to bring them back, that do not really need))).
    Of flash drive data are listed below.
    USB Device ID: VID = 0930 PID = 6544
    the Serial Number The: 60A44C352DD8FD71972A1A56

    the Device the Vendor: the Toshiba
    the Device the Name: the TOSHIBA
    the Device Series Revision: 0100

    Manufacturer: the Toshiba
    the Product Model: the TOSHIBA
    the Product Series Revision: 1.00

    Chip the Vendor: the Solid State Systems'
    Chip Part-Number The: TC58NC6689 / B2-SSS6691
    the Flash ID Code: 98D79432 - the Toshiba - 2CE / ??? [MLC] -> Total Capacity = 8GB
  3. To revive an old flash drive Kingston DT 2GB. Thank you!
    The Volume: I of:
    Controller software: the SSS 6690 B1
    the Possible the Memory Chip (s):
    the Toshiba TC58NVG4D2ETA00
    the Memory the Type: the MLC
    the Flash ID: 98D59432 7654
    Flash CE: 1
    the Flash the Channels: Single
    the VID: 03B7
    the PID: 0643
    Manufacturer: Kingston's
    the Product: the DataTraveler 2.0 We do
    the Query the Vendor ID: Kingston's
    the Query the Product ID: the DataTraveler 2.0 We do
    the Query the Product Series Revision: 1.00
    the Physical Disk Capacity: 2,115,993,600 Bytes The
    the Windows Disk Capacity: 2,110,734,336 Bytes The
    the Internal Tags: 386P-9R68
    the File the System: the FAT32
    to Relative the Offset: 31 KB Download now
    the USB the Version: 2.00
    Max. Power: 100 mA
    ContMeas ID: 7039-03-02
    the Microsoft the Windows 7 x64
SSS_MP_Utility_v2173.rar (1.74 MB)

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